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New research explores "the cultural grammar of popular left politics"


New research by Associate Professor of Politics, Dr Jonathan Dean, exploring what he calls “the cultural grammar of popular left politics”, has been published in the European Journal of Cultural Studies. Dr Dean’s article, ‘Purging the neoliberal poison? Marina Diamandis and the cultural grammar of popular left politics’, examines the intersections of left politics and popular culture, by...

Prof Leston-Bandeira to lead project on addressing barriers to political engagement


The Centre for Democratic Politics is pleased to announce that its member Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira has secured a grant from Research England to explore perceptions and barriers to political engagement amongst seldom-heard communities. This project is co-designed with parliamentary officials from the UK and Welsh parliaments to identify how citizens from seldom-heard groups perceive political...

The Alice Bacon Lecture 2022 delivered by Professor Mary Beard


On Thursday 27th October, the Alice Bacon Lecture 2022 was delivered by Dame Professor Mary Beard at the University of Leeds. The celebrated professor of Classics is the fourth person to have given the Alice Bacon Lecture since the inaugural lecture in 2018, following Harriet Harman MP, Baroness Hale of Richmond, and Baroness Doreen Lawrence....

Dr Viktoria Spaiser and Dr Cristina Leston Bandeira contribute to House of Lords climate change report


Dr Viktoria Spaiser and Dr Cristina Leston Bandeira have contributed to a report published by the House of Lords, Environment and Climate Change Committee. Dr Spaiser and Dr Leston Bandeira, who submitted written evidence for the committee’s inquiry, had their evidence cited twelve times in this report. Their recommendations are also to be found within the report. Please...

Dr Richard Hayton podcast appearances on the new Truss government


Co-Director of the Centre for Democratic Politics, Dr Richard Hayton, was the special guest on the podcast The Bunker broadcast on 4 October, discussing Kwasi Kwarteng's recent mini-budget, Conservative Party conference and the future of the new government led by Liz Truss. You can find it here, or listen on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, or find...

New Publication on the Normative Challenge posed by Fridays for Future


Positive social transformation can start with challenging the normalisation of thinking and practices that keep us trapped within the Climate Crisis. See the new paper in PLOS Climate: “How dare you?”—The normative challenge posed by Fridays For Future

Dr Viktoria Spaiser and Dr Nicole Nisbett on Ilkley Literature Festival Podcast


POLIS Associate Professor, Dr Viktoria Spaiser, and Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr Nicole Nisbett, have recently appeared on Ilkley Literature Festival’s podcast, Settee Seminars. Dr Spaiser and Dr Nisbett speak about the significance of social dynamics in seeking solutions to the global climate crisis in their episode of Settee Seminars, “Stablising Earth’s Climate: Key Social Dynamics”. Theirs...

Professor Leston-Bandeira to lead international hub on public engagement


The International Public Engagement Network (IPEN), co-founded by the Centre for Democratic Engagement and the UK House of Commons is to co-host the new Public Engagement Hub of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the global organisation of national parliaments. This remarkable achievement recognizes the extraordinary work developed by IPEN since 2020 in supporting knowledge exchange on...

Dr Alex Meakin co-wins prize for best PSA Specialist Group!


We are very proud to announce that our very own CDE member, Dr Alex Meakin, has won the prize for the best PSA Specialist Group this year, together with her co-convenor, Dr Stephen Bates (Birmingham University), of the specialist group on Parliaments. Alex has in fact won this same prize twice, first when she served...